Sunday, February 1, 2009

Vacillating procrastination and the manifesto

I have decided to finally commit myself to the annals of the Internet. To step past the hesitancy that arises at the idea that I can now be labelled a "blogger" and haven't the slightest shred of recourse to defend myself. There is obviously a great profusion of stereotypes around the idea of "blogging". Whoever is reading this is probably more a part of the blogging community than I am and so are better aware of them than myself; having only been on the outside looking in until this moment. All of this is irrelevant though, one should never be driven to make assumptions based on hearsay. As with any form of media there is bound to be good and bad (if one cares for such objective terms) and one should be prepared to encounter both when venturing anywhere whether it's within the electronic or physical.

It is on account of my roommate that I began on this endeavour. He began last semester and has been making regular posts; I was intrigued by the idea and kept a watchful eye upon it from a safe distance. (As a tribute to him I suppose I should tell you his blog is called "Rhyme Ching Clockwork" he keeps a steady flow of poetry and interesting asides going, I would definitely advise checking it out.) I thought to myself that is blog seemed to be an excellent method for channeling certain creative vibes which I usually keep locked up on my hard drive as opposed to floating about cyber-space. Although, if I may borrow a phrase from Ben "Yahtzee" Crawshaw putting media on the internet- "is like throwing a message in a bottle out into a sea made up entirely of messages in bottles". However, if I'm lucky a few people with interesting ideas may notice my bottle and tell me what they think of it.

What really prompted me to finally take this step was the absolute mind-numbing frustration which emerges when one spends far too long editting and fondling over a paper on Heidegger (hence the posts title referencing procrastination.) By this point the essay is well in hand (I hope) as I have taken my sweet time in whittling out this post over several hours. I am now feeling quite exhausted so I should probably speed this along.

My aim in starting this blog is basically to have a conduit for my attempts at poetry. I have written something like 90+ pages since last semester began and I grew weary of keeping them all cooped up in word documents. I will be slowly leaking choice pieces on the blog as well as anything new which stands out. I will attempt to keep the information on my personal life to a minimum because I feel the poetry is probably a hell of a lot more interesting. Anyways if I do keep this up, anyone reading this will be kept posted.

Be Well

1 comment:

  1. Blogging, it's the new electronic way of procrastination. Well, that and facebook, of course. You finally did it hey? And the sudden urge to say "You're one of us" comes to mind, but I'll refrain. Wait, never mind.
    Good luck with it all
